I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever admired the work of Bert Stern in his final photo shoot with the iconic Marilyn Monroe. The images capture the essence of a woman who could flash a flirty smile for the camera one second, and reveal her troubled eyes and insecurities the next...
But the images I really love are these. The ones that wouldn't have made it. The ones that were crossed out for their flaws. I couldn't tell you why, exactly. Maybe it's because they're more real. Maybe it's because we get a glimpse of the photographer's process. But I think they're just as beautiful as the final products - maybe even more so. Which is why I'm loving these images that capture a similar, modernized version of this unconventional portrait... 
The best part, is that the idea is so simple, it's fairly easy to imitate for your own walls. If you have a few photoshop and instagram skills... 
I think it would be a pretty awesome little DIY to replicate this look by recreating the classic contact sheet for your own home. You could hold your own mini photo shoot, or make it an ongoing project to add portraits of all your loved ones covering the wall, imperfections and all. 

*marilyn monroe by bert stern via here, carey mulligan by mikael janssen via here, xo series via here


  1. Great idea!
    I love this idea to add to my wall of portraits!

  2. Marilyn was effortlessly beautiful and Carey is just perfect! Haha cool idea:)x

  3. I have such a crush on Carey Mulligan! This could be a very cool idea for a gift for someone. I'd also like to see people do this with their pets...is that weird??

  4. Very interesting idea!!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artist Series

  5. Gorgeous photos! This is such a fabulous idea!

  6. I really love these pictures. It's always refreshing to see older ideas refashioned.

    Cheers, Elizabeth @ The Corner Apartment

  7. I too am having a Marilyn moment! I bought that first image for a furnished rental I did (unfortunately I couldn't get it blown up huge) If you have a sec, click to my blog - you can at least see my inspiration pic!

  8. Boo - I'm totally with you on your post! Usually Marilyn is so overdone, but there's something about this shoot that I just love. I'll have to take your advice and do some ebay hunting for the image!

  9. Really great idea. Those picture of MM were so pretty because of their hoensty. Thanks for sharing! xoxo

  10. Great idea! but I totally get it. We are our own worst critics and we see things about ourselves that other dont.

  11. Love this post! I'm definitely inspired to start snapping more portraits. Love the one of Marilyn.

  12. Anonymous24.6.12

    Marilyn was the one who crossed out the photos she didn't like.


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